License To Crack - Non-functional Testing
You are never alone. The environment around you changes every second. Your behavior in a changing environment - is it consistent or is it unpredictable? This is true for software applications also. Testing the behavior for a given input and expecting a definitive output is termed as functionality testing. But the same input, same product, but a different environment or an external factor, need not give a consistent output. Testing that is a non-functional testing.
There are a variety of non-functional testing topics, that we are going to discuss in detail. The key areas that need to be addressed are given below.
1. Performance Testing
2. Compatibility Testing
3. Interoperability Testing
4. Security Testing
5. Recovery Testing
6. Usability Testing
7. Localization Testing
8. Globalization Testing
9. Adhoc Testing
Let us first take performance testing. In today's world, internet is everything and it is everywhere. That connects PCs, servers, mobiles and people. Hence it is inseparable from our life. Internet is as important as electricity today. This means, more people use the application. Let us take google, facebook, amazon, youtube, msdn etc. All these sites/portals are used by millions of people. When more users use the system, company gets more visibility and hence more money. But the crowd comes with problem also.
When more people use, the system slows down or crashes. How many people are ready to tolerate the home page loading beyond 5-7 seconds. If your product does not load or start quickly, there are enough competitor products that users can try out. Hence the speed is the single factor that wins the hearts of users, right at the first shot.
Remember the trinity - Users, Data and Time. If any one of these factors is increased, it uses more system resources such as cpu, memory, disk and network; and that causes slowness. But how will I test my app with 1000s of users, hitting the app at the same time? Can we assemble the real users in beach and give them laptops or tablets and coordinate to test the app? No way. Hence, instead of relying on real users, we go for virtual users. Performance testing is now the key factor for an app to be released.
Performance testing has different sub-types.
1. Load testing
2. Stress testing
3. Scalability or Capacity testing
4. Volume Testing
5. Endurance or Availability testing
To carry out these testing, we need to have proper tools. There are priced tools such as HP Load Runner, IBM Rational Performance Tester, Borland SilkPerformer and there are free open source tools such as Apache JMeter etc. In the coming sections, we will see the concepts of load testing and how to use these tools etc.