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License To Crack - Top 100 Test Scenarios for Online Shopping Apps
I have been seeing a lot of ads for online shopping portals. What do they really do? Sell items right from shoes to iPhones. A few product companies asked us to educate their testers in testing their product. We first educated the testers in the business flow of ecom portals.
What you see here is a slice from the testing checklist.
1. View the hot promotion plans on home page
2. View top level categories of products on home page
3. View the order of sub categories of products under each category
4. View top products list under each category-sub category
5. View products as grid
6. View products as thumbnails
7. View small and large images of products with short and long descriptions
8. Search for a product with brand name
9. Search for a product with a model name or number
10. Search for a product below certain price
11. Search for a product within a price range
12. Search for a product with some keywords in description
13. Search for a product of certain color
14. Search for a product in specific store
15. Search for a product in a specific geography
16. Search for a product that are referred by many community people
17. Search for a product for a range of user ratings
18. Search for a product with multiple combinations of above
19. Sort product search results based on price
20. Sort product search results based on store
21. Sort product search results based on buyer rating
22. Add a product to cart
23. Add multiple products to cart from same search results
24. Add multiple products to cart from different search results
25. Remove a product from cart
26. Add the same product to cart after removing it
27. Add the same product multiple times to cart
28. Alter quantity of products after adding to cart
29. Alter quantity to zero in the cart
30. Provide payment details to buy product
31. Provide payment details and cancel it
32. Provide wrong credit card details and try to buy
33. Purchase product thru corporate purchase plans
34. Provide shipping address same as user's registered address
35. Provide shipping address different from the user's registered address
36. Register new user with valid details
37. Register new user with invalid details
38. Register same user with same emailed and userid
39. Provide same credit card details to two different users
40. View the registration email contents for new users
41. Change password for a registered user
42. View change password email content
43. Do not use account for 60 days and login after that time period
44. Login as user, add a product, logout and login again
45. Use correct promotion code for correct product
46. Use wrong promotion code for a product
47. Use a valid promotion code to a product but after its expiry date
48. Use a promotion code more than once for purchase
49. User a private promotion code of another registered user
50. Track the purchase order for delivery
51. Rate a product for its quality
52. Join a group purchase and confirm purchase
53. Join a group purchase and cancel after an hour or day
54. Join a group purchase for more than once
55. Define alert to notify when product price falls into certain range
56. Purchase a product whose price is more than your credit card limit
57. Purchase a product when the product is out of stock
58. View product details from a different country settings
59. File a complaint as a buyer
60. View complaint tracking email content
61. View complaint status on the buyer portal
62. View past order history for a user
63. Modify the user profile after a few purchase transactions
64. Add products in wish list
65. Manage different lists as part of user profiles
66. Comment on a product
67. Comment on a purchase
68. Provide feedback on a purchase
69. Refer a product to another user in the community
70. Use one time shipping plan for a purchase
71. subscribe to annual shipping plans and do a purchase
72. Subscribe to newsletters
73. Unsubscribe to newsletters
74. Freeze a user account
75. Unfreeze a user account
76. Set transaction limits for users
77. Generate reports for today's purchase
78. Generate reports for purchase for specific products
79. Generate reports for purchase in specific geographies
80. Generate reports for shipping status
81. Generate reports for customer complaints
82. Generate reports on purchase feedback
83. Upload stores details who act as suppliers
84. Upload price details from various stores
85. Upload products and price details from stores in different formats such as xml, csv, Excel etc.
86. Upload products and price details from stores with erroneous records
87. Upload product image contents with static images
88. Upload product image contents with animated images
89. Create survey to selected users
90. Publish a poll to all users
91. Create product promotion codes and publish to selective users or geography
92. Manage shipping and handling charges and terms
93. Manage group purchase settings and products
94. Extend a promotion offer
95. Configure prizes for buyers on specific purchase criteria such as 100000th buyer etc.
96. Configure corporate purchase accounts
97. Manage out of stock alert settings
98. Manage different payment gateway settings
99. Configure SMS alerts to users
100. View whether purchase details reflect in the CRM thru synchronization
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