QAMonitor is an all-inclusive tracking software, that is used for task, QA and help desk tracking. These are the three painful areas for any organization. By not tracking these vital areas, companies spend a lot of money on rework and issue fixes.
Product Functional Blocks Task Tracker- Create tasks, sub tasks
- Assign to users
- Set planned start and end dates
- Track actual start date and end dates
- Track hours spent on each task for each day
- Attach any documents
- Set priority and type to tasks
- Track status history
- Copy Paste tasks
- Send automatic notification to users
- Choose columns to be displayed, save column favorite settings templates
- Sort and group based on columns
- Move tasks one level up or down, indent or outdent for grouping
- Option to set date validation for subtasks or not
- Option to allow users to add subtasks or not
- Inline editing of key fields like Excel
- Import from Excel
- Traceability with other data entities
- Create issues - quick mode and detailed mode
- Assign to users
- Set planned closure dates
- Track actual closure date
- Attach any documents
- Set priority, severity to bugs
- Track status history
- Send automatic notification to users
- Choose columns to be displayed, save column favorite settings templates
- Sort and group based on columns
- Inline edit of key fields like Excel
- Import from Excel
- Copy Paste issues
- Create draft issues with approval
- Traceability with other data entities
- Create parent requirements, child requirements
- Set priority and version to requirements
- Attach documents
- Track change history
- Map to tests
- Rearrange folders and requirements
- Customize columns sort and display
- Import from Excel
- Version control for requirements
- Traceability with other data entities
- Create functional modules
- Create test folders hierarchy
- Copy requirements folder structure to test folders
- Create test cases
- Attach documents
- Track change history
- Maintain test case versions
- Import from Excel
- Copy Paste Test cases
- Rearrange folders and test cases
- Version control for test cases
- Traceability with other data entities
- Create test rounds
- Map test cases to test rounds
- Assign testers to test cases within rounds
- Track pass or fail status
- Provide step-wise results
- Provide one click execution status update
- Clone test rounds
- UI filters and sorting on various fields
- Create Kanban Boards
- Configure Stages to boards
- Create Kanban Cards and Share with users
- Manage checklists for each card
- Share comments by users on a card
- Collaborate across project boundaries
- Create enterprise, create projects within enterprise
- Create users and user groups
- Assign users to groups
- Assign access rights to groups
- Manage all lookup codes
- Manage issue or bug status workflow
- Configure standard pre-built data entry form fields
- Configure custom data entry form fields
- Configure SMTP server details for email notifications
- Version control for requirements
- Version control for test cases
- Task reports based on status, priority, activity type, users
- Task variance reports based on planned vs actual date and effort
- Task summary reports
- Bug reports based on status, priority, severity, users
- Bug summary reports
- Task ageing report
- Bug or defect ageing report
- Requirements summary reports
- Requirements report based on priority, version, type
- Test plan summary reports
- Test plan report based on priority, type, users
- Test execution summary report
- Test execution report based on rounds, testers, status
- Dynamic reports, fully user defined. This enables to pull any kind of report you need
- Schedule a report. You will receive the report at the specified time in your inbox
- Dashboards to view multiple charts in single window
- Configuring dashboards
- Cross projects charts
- Task summary charts
- Task ageing chart
- Bug or issue summay charts
- Bug or issue aeging chart
- Requirements summary charts
- Test planning summary charts
- Test execution summary charts
- We periodically upgrade our product based on suggestions from our large userbase.
- We ensure that the product meets your needs with the best usability.
- Every month, we make smaller releases, relentlessly.