Welcome to QAMonitor. QAMonitor is an all-inclusive tracking software, that is used for task, QA and help desk tracking. This online help will provide a step by step approach on how to use this tool efficiently.
What can I do with QAMonitor?If you had requested for Enterprise login, you would have received an email from Softsmith with a password for eadmin (enterprise admin).
Open Firefox 3.6+ Browser or IE 7.0+ browser and go to the url http://qam.softsmith.com/qamxyz (replace xyz with the name of your enteprise).
Give userid as eadmin and the password that is sent to you in the email.
Let us assume that we start a new project. And we want to use QAMonitor. Here is a simple checklist that we need to follow.
The user eadmin is the super user of your enterprise The project admin can set various options within the project as a super user Normal users are the ones who use varous screens and modules in QAMonitor. They are controlled by the access rights set by the admins
Forgot PasswordIf you are a registered user with a particular enterprise and you do not remember your password, you can get your password reset.
Open Firefox 3.6+ Browser or IE 7.0+ browser and go to the url http://qam.softsmith.com/qamxyz (replace xyz with the name of your enteprise).
Give your userid and click on the Forgot Password link.
You will be receiving a new email from QAMonitor with a new password. If you still do not get the email, please contact your enterprise admin.
If you are the eadmin and you do not receive emails, please send a mail to us to the emailid qam_helpdesk@softsmith.com.
From here, where to goThe top portion of this page has links to various modules Click on the link for which you want to read the help section (e.g. Test Plan) Within that page, you will see various links on the left hand side for detailed set of topics