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Create Users at Enterprise Level
A user is the person who carries out activities in the system. Every user is identified by a unique userid. Users are created by eadmin.
1. Login as eadmin.
2. Go to Settings page.
3. Click on Manage Users and Groups
4. A grid will appear that shows a list of users in the enterprise.
5. Click on Add Enterprise User button. A new window will open.
User Id - This is the unique userid of the new user.

First Name - First name of the new user.

Middle Name - Middle name of the new user.

Last Name - Last name of the new user.

Nick Name - Nick name of the new user.

Employee Id - The employee id that is given to this new user in your company.

Email id - The email id that is given to this new user in your company.

Designation - The designation that is given to this new user in your company. Choose an appropriate option.

Password - The password of the new user.

Save - Once you enter all details of the user, click Save button.

Edit Existing User
1. Login as eadmin.
2. Go to Settings page.
3. Click on Manage Users and Groups
4. A grid will appear that shows a list of users in the enterprise.
5. Click on the pencil icon that appears against the userid that you want to edit. A new window will open.
6. All details except userid are editable.
7. After modifying the data, click on Save button.
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