A Product of

Create Users at Enterprise Level

A user is the person who carries out activities in the system. Every user is identified by a unique userid. Users are created by eadmin.

  • Login as eadmin.
  • Go to Settings page.
  • Click on Manage Users and Groups
  • A grid will appear that shows a list of users in the enterprise.
  • Click on Add Enterprise User button. A new window will open.

User Id - This is the unique userid of the new user.

First Name - First name of the new user.

Middle Name - Middle name of the new user.

Last Name - Last name of the new user.

Nick Name - Nick name of the new user.

Employee Id - The employee id that is given to this new user in your company.

Email id - The email id that is given to this new user in your company.

Designation - The designation that is given to this new user in your company. Choose an appropriate option.

Password - The password of the new user.

Save - Once you enter all details of the user, click Save button.

Edit Existing User

  • Login as eadmin.
  • Go to Settings page.
  • Click on Manage Users and Groups
  • A grid will appear that shows a list of users in the enterprise.
  • Click on the pencil icon that appears against the userid that you want to edit. A new window will open.
  • All details except userid are editable.
  • After modifying the data, click on Save button.