Version control is an important part of document management. Companies may use their own notation for version such as x.y or x.y.z or so. Version management will help to see how a group of requirements are changed together on the entire set of requirements. History of a requirement helps to know how that particular requirement changed over a period of time.
Current Draft Version means that the version code will be used for any new requirements or newly edited requirements.
Baselined Version means, that the version can no more be used to add requirements or editing requirements.
Navigate to Settings -- Lookup codes -- Baseline Requirement Version.
At any given point of time, only one version can be made current.
When users add a new requirement, only the current draft version will appear in the version list box. When a user edits an existing requirement with older version, the latest current draft version will appear in the version list box.
When you want to freeze a particular draft version, you need to baseline the same.